We offer solutions.


In today’s recovering economy, local governments are faced with increased demands, reduced access to funds and a growing number of issues such as citizen out migration and the resulting vacant properties.


Generating jobs, retaining and expanding existing firms as well filling vacant buildings with new firms are all challenges for which the staffing in most smaller and mid-sized communities are not equipped. We view our task as focusing retention, expansion and attraction efforts toward fulfilling the visions that have already been studied, reviewed, evaluated and adopted. We assess the existing mix of companies against the objectives outlined in the various plans. Areas of opportunities and corresponding industry groups are identified. Strategies are then implemented that go after the biggest and the best of those industry groups that compliment a community.


If you aim high, you significantly increase your chances to win. Geneva Analytics recognizes that by going after the "big fish," your community will register on the radar screen with smaller firms. Our team members have packaged proposals for the Boeing 7E7, AirBus KC330, Toyota, Mills Corporation and Majestic Realty. We have recruited, retained and enabled expansion of smaller firms that became aware of our client city's assets through the news and visibility generated by the major recruitment efforts.


What we know is Boeing is a home run, and getting one is great. However, retaining a company, helping it grow, or recruiting a smaller firm are all base hits. Home runs are great, but in the end, base hits score points. Points win games!


Featured Services


Complete economic development operation


Assess local vacancies and build occupancy


Survey and analytics services

DrillDown 2.0

Quickly identify local firms that are at risk


Identify and assist retail development


Business training and support curriculum


Asset-based community development process


Property Listing and Management



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