Learn more about us.


Today's marketplace mandates an aggressive strategy to  generate jobs and overcome the aftermath of yesterday's recession. Municipalities are in need of new growth and local employment to deliver necessary services (police, fire, public works) that constituents expect in their daily lives.


We are committed to providing what is required to attract and retain new growth: community assessments, strategic planning, marketing, business training, support and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs—in particular, veterans who are considering owning and operating their own companies.

Meet the brains of the operation...

Owner and founder Fred D. Burkhardt, MBA, IOM, has been providing business management and ecomomic development services and consulting for more than 35 years. His experience includes departmental level management of community, housing and economic development for the City of Fresno; management of business organizations with memberships ranging from 350-1200; real estate management, leasing and sales.



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